A VERY good eveeeeeening to you alll....
hello, im 'nacup' (new age collective unconcious prototype) for alwhile i'v been reading into 'new age theories' without even realising it, i dont like to asscociate myself in a beliefe system of one type but of many for i think we can learn from all faiths and walks of life.
my aim i guess is to bring about more awareness into allowing people to accept themselvs and open their minds to new possibilitys, although i understand this to be quite a difficult task due to our western view on the world, the societys fear of trying something new (which i totally credit, because we have lived this way for thousands of years, it is very hard to go against the grain of an inbuilt behaviour which has been accepted thoughout the generations as an act of survival) i do this not only for the general public but also for myself to better understand. i take a passive stance and accept to listen to all sides of the story, and to ESPECIALLY CRITICIZE MY OWN BELIEF'S !!!! for i think that is most important to fully opening ones mind (i dont really like the mysticism asscociated with this term, its more of a stopping the automatic responses we have and creating new ones without being byast)
i'm interested in utilizing a forum and a 'myspace' for likeminded people to express their views and to talk openly and hopefully we can create a simple understanding which is not screamed from the mountains but rather a collection of relevant information for us all to share.
take care everybody,